The Shop. Hockey, beer, and this year we add electrical appliances.
The Shop was haunted by the ghost of McButtercup.
This explains almost everything.
Apparently our high-tech entertainment center kept
the Holiday boys awake all week. What a pity.
Blankie (Jason), Crash (Mike), and Rash (Mikey).
Not Right (Wally), Crash and Rash.
Tarts wouldn't don the jersey of his old team unless
we "whooped" like they did in Macon.
Whooop whooop whoop!
Bert and Ernie appeared at our door one day. Mike and Wally
still haven't figured out the significance.
Doc Tim. Our resident radiologist who exclaimed on seeing
Kevin's x-rays: "That's fucked up."
Crash, Rash, Paul, Buick (Kevin), and The Judge (Jim).
See the Crud page for information on the Judge.
Falling asleep around this group can be dangerous.
...we might do something horrible and photograph it.
Rainbow Warriors unite!
Toe Pick (Jason), Blankie, and Not Right
Tickle, tickle.
No Rash, you're thinking of Elmo.
Underwear attack!
You might not want to see this one. Shop's closed!
Uh, the stripper in the picture, er, did this thing
with the bottle, um.... aw hell, it's too naughty.
No, no, no. I had nothing to do with it, honey.
I wasn't even there!
Now what would Canada be without Tim Horton's Donuts? We
scoured camp every night to find a sober driver to get us
there and back.
Reserved for when we get the scans of the lovely young Canadians
who took our photo at 1am in a Timmy's parking lot.
Now we've added Char and Trish to the group. Not campers, rather some
friends from Detroit who drove over to hang out at The Shop.
Mindy makes her yearly appearance at the shop.
Everybody grab a handle.
One of our Swiss friends. They spoke little English but knew the
word beer.
Trish and Char celebrating the Shop.
This Swiss chap understood beer all too well.
The Judge trying out a little Santa action with Char.
There's the photo album from the last several years.
Rash found himself explaining lots of things.
That's Sarah Tatarnic in the background.