Kevin, Colleen, and Mikey ready to hit the road.

Mikey, Colleen, and Ivor enjoying a brew after our first session.

Heather, the Angel of Beer

Wayne "Put me in" Beveridge of CAN/AM camp and Manny Malhotra of the New York Rangers,
posing with the stick Manny broke while Wayne stoned him on 10 of 10 shots!
Way to go Wayne.

Mel Brown and the Homewreckers, a kick-ass blues band. They rocked us for hours upstairs in Gryph's lounge.

Rob Rak listening to the band and playing it cool.

If you're not a Flyer...

The Flyers. It don't get any sweeter. Look closely and check out the artistic license taken on the drawing.

The Shop's humble beginnings.

Mikey, the Shopkeeper posting the shop rules.
None shall pass.

The Rules
Read 'em, understand 'em, live 'em.